Monday, January 7, 2008

SOS.Tray v0.11

Based on some excellent feedback, I've fixed a few issues I had not even noticed along with some enhancements that I had slated for later, but now realize were more crucial than I had originally anticipated.

Here is the change log for v0.11...

* Input/Output text fields in the GUI are now resizable.
* Input/Output text fields now have a font selection dialog.
* Input/Output text fields now have persisting properties (fonts and colors).
* The GUI's [x] (Close) button now hides the GUI, instead of closing it.
* The GUI's [_] (Minimize) button now minimizes the GUI, instead of hiding it.
* File system monitor now updates snippet menus and GUI tree automatically.
* Recent input tracking implemented. Currently tracks your last ten input items.

Click here to download Snippets on Steroids (S·O·S) v0.11

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